Silpi Ghosh's Story
About Story Minds
Story Minds is the dream child of Silpi Ghosh. She always looked for a safe space to express herself and yet face no judgement. She made Story Minds that space where she can pour her heart out, cry, laugh, lust and just show any emotions she feels in her heart. Sharing with people often turned painful as people have various ideas of right and wrong. Hence she started expressing herself through Poems, Stories and other kinds of write-ups. She shared it with the world and many understood her, enjoyed reading her stories. Story Minds become an open journal of her life or experience she stumbled upon. She wished to find more people joining her, hand in hand in the journey of judgement-free life.

Silpi knows there would be people who want to express how they feel, through their writing and not get judged. Hence she made Story Minds a happy place to share their writings. Anyone from any corner of the world can submit their writing in her little space. So, if you are feeling judged and yet need the outburst in form of writing, or any kind of visual art contact us. We will post your write-ups right here with your name. Till then Happy Reading.

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